
Latest Insights and Updates on Our Path to a Greener Future

Benin Bernard Hicks Benin Bernard Hicks

A Tale of Three Kings

After lengthy negotiations with three local kings, who, along with their communities, collectively own nearly 50,000 hectares of coastal land in Benin, we successfully concluded the discussions with three signed agreements. These contracts grant us exclusive management rights for mangrove afforestation and restoration projects on their lands.

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Benin, Togo Bernard Hicks Benin, Togo Bernard Hicks

First Steps into West Africa

During our inaugural trip to West Africa to assess the potential for afforestation and restoration projects, we connected with our longtime colleague, Dr. Christian Viaho, in Benin. There, we explored landscapes suitable for mangrove planting and identified opportunities. We also ventured briefly into Togo, where we established contact with potential partners to further our environmental initiatives in the region.

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