First Steps into West Africa

With Neil's extensive experience in West Africa, he had numerous local contacts seeking his assistance in monetizing natural resources to benefit local communities. Together, they explored various agricultural, aquacultural, and livestock farming opportunities, but few proved financially viable for outside investment at scale.

Connection in the Ivory Coast

While involved in other African projects, Neil learned about the potential of developing natural forests to generate carbon credits, thereby funding local communities. Supported by Cormac Hicks and his family investment fund, Neil embarked on a preliminary trip to West Africa to explore this promising opportunity. The first destination was Benin, where Neil and Cormac met with longtime colleague Dr. Christian Viaho. Previously, they had considered farming initiatives in Benin, but as an expert in local ecology, Dr. Viaho was already involved in planning mangrove planting trials along Lake Nokoué. In-depth discussions helped the team understand both the opportunities and challenges ahead.

Coastal Mangroves

Exploring the existing mangrove habitats in coastal Benin

Neil then made a solo trip to neighboring Togo to reconnect with previous contacts interested in a similar afforestation project.

Overall, our initial fact-finding mission proved highly successful:

  • Dr. Viaho confirmed the feasibility of a large-scale afforestation program in Benin.

  • Considering the political situation in northern Benin and the enhanced value of "blue" carbon credits, our primary focus is on planting mangroves along the coast and around Lake Ahémé, where Dr. Viaho has initiated a test planting program.

  • Extensive mangrove deforestation has occurred in the southern region due to local demand for firewood. To ensure success, we must address this need; otherwise, newly planted mangroves risk being harvested again. We are exploring alternatives, including the Benin government's trials with Acacia trees as a fast-growing substitute.

  • We established contact with key stakeholders in Togo, opening channels for ongoing collaboration.

  • We made contact with some relevant parties in Benin, and communication lines are opened for continuing partnership.


A Tale of Three Kings