From Reforestation to Revitalization: Mangroves and Communities Flourishing Together.

Why Mangroves?

Dreaming of Net Zero

The growing urgency of the climate crisis can only be tackled with a multi-factorial approach. Both national governments, international organizations, and corporations have the responsibility to play their part. From international treaties to corporate commitments, ambitious targets have been set to reduce or eliminate carbon emissions

Carbon Offsets

As part of an overall climate strategy, the UNFCC acknowledges the significance of using carbon offsets to counterbalance carbon emissions. This importance has grown with the introduction of NDCs (nationally determined contributions) in the Paris Agreement and the rising number of Fortune 500 companies pledging net zero commitments, now encompassing 60% of these major corporations.

Quality Control - Blue Carbon Offsets

Unfortunately, the carbon offset landscape is highly non-uniform and it is difficult to know what you are getting. Enter “blue carbon”. "Blue carbon" refers to the carbon captured and stored by coastal and marine ecosystems, particularly mangroves, salt marshes, and seagrasses. These ecosystems are particularly efficient at sequestering carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and storing it for long periods, often centuries or even millennia.

Blue Carbon Ecosystems

Not only do mangrove ecosystems sequester carbon at up to 5 times the rate of terrestrial forests and store that carbon for longer, many such ecosystems are also located in low lying coastal areas that are most susceptible to the effects of climate change. Development in these communites stands to benefit precisely those most affected by climate change.

Community Development

The necessity to combat climate change with reforestation projects thus provides a unique opportunity to develop some of the world’s most impoverished communities. We are committed to not only providing short term jobs, but to engage in long term economic development in coordination with the local communities.

Join Us.

We are always open to discussions on how you can support our initiatives. We are seeking long term development and investment partners to procure and develop mangrove ecosystems world-wide.

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