A Green Shield

After successful exploratory trips to Benin and Togo and extensive groundwork in Ghana, we are excited to announce a new chapter in our mission to expand afforestation and reforestation (ARR) efforts across West Africa. This week, we finally set foot in Ghana to meet with local partners and government officials, and we were incredibly impressed by their efficiency and professionalism. The Ghanaian government swiftly brought us on board as partners in their ambitious Green Shield Initiative, marking a significant milestone for our organization.

Ghanaian Rush Hour

Similar to Benin, many coastal communities in this region lack essential infrastructure, often relying solely on boats to connect their homes to solid land.

A Promising Parternship

The Green Shield Initiative is a visionary program aimed at restoring degraded lands and protecting critical ecosystems across Ghana. Being selected as a partner in this initiative not only underscores the government’s confidence in our capabilities but also aligns perfectly with our goals of sustainable land management and carbon offsetting. The partnership grants us the rights to develop ARR projects nationwide, a significant achievement that opens up new opportunities for environmental restoration.

Smiling children in Ghana,

A reminder of why we do what we do. Our goal is for local communities to be the primary beneficiaries of our work in Ghana.

Starting Small, Thinking Big

Our approach to ARR projects in Ghana will be strategic and incremental. We will begin by focusing on smaller parcels of land, ranging from 1,000 to 5,000 hectares, to ensure that we can effectively manage and monitor each project’s progress. These smaller-scale projects will serve as foundational pilots, allowing uÏs to refine our methods and demonstrate tangible results to local communities and stakeholders.

Each project will be carefully designed to restore native vegetation, enhance biodiversity, and support local livelihoods. By starting small, we can better engage with local communities, gain their trust, and ensure that our projects meet both environmental and socio-economic objectives.

Community Engagement

Meeting with local communities to begin negotiations. The harvested wood is felled mangroves

The Road Ahead

Our journey in Ghana is just beginning, but the path ahead is filled with promise. We are committed to working closely with the Ghanaian government, local partners, and communities to ensure the success of the Green Shield Initiative. By focusing on sustainable, science-based approaches to land restoration, we aim to create projects that benefit both people and the planet.

We look forward to sharing more updates as we move forward with these projects. Together, we can make a lasting impact on Ghana’s landscapes and set a powerful example for sustainable development worldwide.

Stay tuned for more updates on our ARR projects in Ghana and other exciting developments!


A Tale of Three Kings